Saturday 17 December 2016

1.24 Day 24

"Oh boy, is it my turn already," Taras yawns, cutting off the end of his sentence.
"Yep, they're all yours." 

After his sons are fed, changed, and put to bed, Taras fantasizes about sitting in his rocking chair with a good book. 
He seriously needs to get out of the house more. 

Being stalked by the Emperor of Evil wasn't what he had in mind. 
"You'll never know my secrets," he hisses as he walks by. 
Taras makes a face. Ugh, I hope not. 

It happens when she's feeding Tobias; a radiating pain spreading from her lower back and travelling up her spine. 
"Taras! Call Rose to watch the kids, it's time to go!" 

Well, this was... unexpected. 
"Where are we going to put them?" Taras asks Nozomi. 
"I don't know!" Nozomi just might be freaking out a bit. 

Well,  at least one of their cribs is unoccupied now. 

AN: It wasn't unexpected, I planned this from the start. 4/4 kids born from 3 pregnancies in less than 2 sim weeks. Booyah! 
I wanted to give Melor a birthday party, but Nozomi went into labor pretty early in the day so it wasn't possible. Maybe when he ages up to teen? 


  1. Whoa, congrats on getting all the kids then! At least Nozomi got one girl :D

    Melor turned out really cute. He looks so much like Nozomi, but with Taras' coloring!

    1. I was really praying for a girl somewhere in all of those children- looks like I got the one, haha.

      He is quite cute! And you are absolutely right- I took a quick peek at his YA version and he's a male Nozomi clone with Taras's skin and hair colour. Tobias isn't much better- exactly like that, but with Taras's eye colour as well.

  2. Yay, twins! And she finally has a daughter! :D

    1. I know! I was really hoping for a girl (I was hoping for 2 girls and 2 boys, but oh well... at least it wasn't triplets!)
